
jeudi 12 juin 2014

10 Symptoms of Gluten Sensitivity You Probably Didn’t Know About

Sensitivity to gluten is a serious issue in modern health. People suffering from it have difficulty digesting gluten and are consequently deprived of essential nutrients. The issue has been connected with a shockingly wide amount of disease and health issues ranging from skin problems to dementia and celiac disease.

Celiac disease (CD) is usually the only medical concern surrounding gluten sensitivity. It stems from an autoimmune response to gluten and if left untreated can contribute to malnutrition, mental illness, cancer, and diminutive body growth. The problem is that doctors have restricted testing for CD only and ignored gluten sensitivity. However incompatibility with gluten doesn’t have to be associated with CD, therefore diagnosis for it is severely limited. In other words, there are various degrees of gluten sensitivity, but for many doctors it is either you have CD or you have nothing. Nowadays there is more awareness that there is non-celiac gluten sensitivity and it is a distinct clinical condition.

NCGS – A Distinct Clinical Condition

NCGS (non-celiac gluten sensitivity) is the name given to the majority of people who have a gluten intolerance that doesn’t have to deal with celiac disease. The condition’s legitimacy has received a lot of debate among health practitioners. Many want to stick with tradition and dismiss the issue as a hoax.

Some estimates say that around 1 in every 20 Americans has a type of NCGS. Medical experts that were curious about the issue conducted a placebo-controlled gold standard and double-blind, placebo-controlled trials on gluten ingestion. In the end they were able to validate the condition of gluten sensitivity apart from just celiac disease.

What is Gluten Sensitivity?

Gluten is a protein composite that is found all around us – in grains, hair products, and even in playdoh. When the body has a sensitivity to gluten it has adverse effects on every inch of healthy tissue in your body. Medical experts are now shocked to find that this sensitivity might be a lot more common than we previously thought.

Estimates suggest that gluten sensitivity goes unrecognized and causes trouble in 99% of people that have it. Many people are quick to dismiss the issue of gluten digestion as a hoax, but more than 90 million people in the United States suffer some type of sensitivity to it.

Signs of Gluten Intolerance

The first step in validating any gluten health concerns is educating yourself. Since there has been an alarmingly small amount of medical research on gluten sensitivity, patients have been forced to take matters into their own hands and look for symptoms. A few of the most common signs of gluten intolerance are listed below:

The most obvious indication of gluten intolerance is digestive issues. This includes bloating, gas, abdominal pain, and irritable bowel syndrome.
Unstable emotional health like depression, anxiety, and sudden drastic changes in mood.
Look for effects on the brain such as dizziness, lack of focus, trouble balancing, and tingling sensations.
Frequent migraines and headaches.
Abnormal tiredness throughout the day, even if you haven’t experienced much physical or mental exhaustion.
Several types of rashes like eczema and psoriasis may appear on your skin. Look for areas that are dry and have red or white marks that cause itching.
Despite the beliefs of some physicians, fibromyalgia (skeletal pain and weakness) can actually be a symptom of gluten intolerance. Inflammation and pain can occur virtually anywhere on the body.
Issues with hormone balance that cause worsened PMS. Instances of inexplicable infertility may also signal a difficulty processing gluten.
Keratosis pilaris might also develop on the skin. It is characterized by rough discolored bumps and hardened skin around the thighs, arms, and cheeks – usually happening when gluten damages the stomach.
Joint pain and inflammation.
The lack of digestive clues makes it difficult to associate with gluten sensitivity. Many doctors find symptoms but fail to associate them with gluten. Remain objective about your symptoms and talk things over with a physician if you’re concerned.

How to Test for Gluten Intolerance

As mentioned earlier, the medical focus on gluten health issues is disappointingly small. Because of this there aren’t many testing methods available at the moment. Only two methods are worth trusting: blood testing and elimination dieting.

Blood testing is fairly straightforward but many people have been drawn to the simplicity and ease of elimination diets. If you’re exhibiting any symptoms of gluten sensitivity it could work for you. Cyrex Laboratories offer a comprehensive blood test which screens all of the wheat and gluten proteins and enzymes.

As for elimination diet, the first step is finding everything with gluten in your daily diet. Avoid eating those foods or any other that might give you digestive troubles. After approximately 3 weeks take note of the symptoms. If they’ve gotten better, chances are your body cannot tolerate gluten.

The important part of this diet is staying committed. You can’t consume even the slightest amount of gluten during your elimination period. If you do so, it could offset the entire process and give you faulty results.

Possible Treatment for Gluten Sensitivity

There is only one surefire way to alleviate the perils of gluten sensitivity – by eliminating gluten from your life. Real results only come from cutting back on gluten 100%. This can be difficult for some people that have grown accustomed to a gluten based diet, but there are helpful tips to keep them on track:

Start shopping in the gluten-free alternative section. There are a ton of options like pasta and bread so you don’t have to cut all your favorite foods.
Any grains that use wheat, rye, or barley need to be avoided completely.
Carefully read the labels of your groceries and look for gluten-indicating terms such as vegetable protein, flour, soy, vegetable hum, and malt flavoring.
Always choose whole foods over anything that is processed.
Have some digestive aids handy in case you do consume gluten accidentally.

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10 Reasons Why Cayenne Pepper Can Revolutionize Your Health

Cayenne pepper is one of my favorite spices. It has been used for culinary and medicinal purposes for thousands of years. It not only provides heat and flavor to your dishes, but it has also been credited with many health benefits.

This popular spice was originally grown in South and Central America, and is a member of the Capsicum family of vegetables, which are more commonly known as chili peppers. The spicy heat produced by cayenne is caused by its high concentration of a substance called capsaicin.

Below you will find how you can enhance your health with cayenne pepper, including some of the side effects that you should be aware of:

1. Reduces muscle and joint pain and inflammation

Applying topical applications of cayenne pepper can reduce muscle and joint pain and inflammation significantly. This is because cayenne has counter-irritant effect: if you rub cayenne on the affected area, it will cause a mild irritation to the tissue to which it was applied, thus distracting from the original more severe joint pain. The active ingredient in cayenne is a substance known as capsaicin. This chemical relieves pain by acting on the sensory nerves by hindering the transmission of a neurotransmitter responsible for transmitted pain signals to your brain. Find here a recipe for cayenne warming oil for joint, muscle and arthritis pain relief.

2. Relieves migraine

When cayenne pepper hits your stomach your brain starts to release endorphins, which are our body’s natural painkillers. So if you can bear the taste, add 1 to 3 teaspoons of cayenne pepper to a glass of water (8 ounces) to get instant relief of migraine headache. You can find here more natural tips and treatments to relieve migraine.

3. Increases metabolism

The capsaicin in cayenne pepper is known to increase metabolism by increasing the internal heat of the body. In order to increase heat, energy is needed, and thus cayenne pepper contributes to increased metabolism. Another theory by a South Korean research suggests that capsaicin might raise the metabolism by positively affecting proteins that help break down fat. You can find here more foods to increase your metabolism.

4. Improves blood circulation

Cayenne has been used to improve blood circulation in traditional Asian medicine as well as in the Indian medicine of Ayurveda. To improve blood circulation, some herbalists suggest taking a quarter-teaspoon three times a day or placing a poultice made with cayenne to boost circulation in a troublesome area. Eating spicy foods, which contain capsaicin from hot peppers increases blood flow throughout the body, and this is why many people become flushed when they eat certain spicy foods. Read here how to improve blood circulation and why it’s so important, and how to recognize symptoms of poor blood circulation.

5. Treat psoriasis

Applying a topical cream, ointment or gel containing capsaicin can help to relieve psoriasis symptoms. According to one study, applying capsaicin cream to the skin relieved itching and skin lesions in people with psoriasis. The concentration of capsaicin in these applications can vary. Higher concentrations can cause a burning sensation to the skin, which improves the longer you use it. Don’t apply it to the sensitive areas near the eyes and mucous membranes and don’t forget to wash your hands well and avoid touching your eyes after using capsaicin. It’s always a good idea to test capsaicin cream on a small area of the skin before extended use. For more natural psoriasis treatments click here.

6. Treat ulcers

Cayenne pepper may prevent the development of gastric ulcer or eliminate the pain caused by it. While hot spices have a bad reputation in the context of an ulcer, the truth is that capsaicin in cayenne pepper has the ability to destroy invasive bacteria in the digestive system and reduce inflammation in the body. A 2006 review published in the journal “Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition” reported that capsaicin slows the production of acid in the stomach, stimulates blood flow to the stomach lining and enhances the release of mucus in the stomach, and all these aid in healing. The capsaicin in cayenne pepper has anti-bacterial properties that also actively fight the Helicobacter pylori bacteria that can cause stomach ulcers. You can find here more information in my other post on how to treat stomach ulcers.

7. Reducing nasal mucus

Capsaicin effects tissue lining mucous membranes in the nose, sinuses and lungs. Cayenne pepper thins mucous in the nasal passageways and sinuses and makes breathing easier when you are suffering from seasonal allergies, a sinus infection and even the common cold. You can, for example, add cayenne pepper to a tea if you have a cold, as it stimulates drainage of nasal mucus and reduces cold symptoms.

8. Improves heart health

Research available from the U.S. National Library of Medicine shows that capsaicin can lower blood pressure. Also a comparison between different cultures shows that those which use a lot of cayenne pepper in cooking have lower rates of heart attacks and strokes.

Cayenne pepper has been shown to reduce plaque in the blood vessels. It does this by helping break up the fibrin networks that hold the plaque in place. It also reduces the formation of blood clots, and thus keeps blood flowing freely through the blood vessels. This may help prevent or reduce the risk of heart disease.

9. Aids digestion

Cayenne pepper can improve your digestive process and make it more effective and fast. It stimulates the digestive tract, and increases the flow of enzyme production and gastric juices, thus improving the body’s ability to metabolize food. You can make a drink of ¼ – ½ teaspoon cayenne powder with the juice of half a lemon, mixed with warm purified or distilled water. To improve the taste, you can add a teaspoon of honey or other sugar substitute. If you suffer from digestive problems, you can read my previous article about the 8 best natural methods to treat digestive problems.

10. Possible anti-cancer agent

According to the American Cancer Society, the capsaicin in cayenne pepper has the ability to stop the growth of prostate cancer cells. However, the research that supports cayenne pepper as a treatment for prostate cancer was conducted only in laboratory and it was tested only on animals. Researchers are still investigating the potential use of cayenne pepper to treat cancer in humans.

How to use cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper is available as a fresh or dried pepper, ground spice, in capsule form and creams for external use. You can drink cayenne pepper tea (about one quarter to half teaspoon of cayenne pepper steeped in a cup of hot water). You can add it to food, or stir it into juice, tea or milk. Capsaicin isn’t destroyed by heat, so you can use it in cooking as well.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center website, topical applications contain 0.025% – 0.075% capsaicin and may be applied directly to the affected area up to 4 times a day. Pain may get slightly worse at first, but then may get better over the next few days. Capsaicin should be applied regularly several times a day, and it usually takes 3 – 7 days before you notice substantial pain relief.

Precautions when using cayenne pepper

1. Cayenne pepper can interact with certain medications (such as aspirin and blood thinners). Therefore if you are currently taking medications, talk to your doctor before you include large amounts of cayenne pepper in your diet or take cayenne supplements.

2. Eating too much cayenne pepper can result in stomach irritation as well as stomach pain.

3. Don’t apply capsaicin cream to cracked skin or open wounds.

4. Eating cayenne in food is considered safe during pregnancy, but pregnant women as well as breastfeeding women, should not take cayenne as a supplement.

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lundi 9 juin 2014

How To Get Flat Tummy In 10 Days

Losing tummy fat in 10 days is not an impossible task. With the proper changes in the diet, lifestyle and exercise it is possible to get a flat tummy within 10 days. It is necessary to use specific dietary and exercise strategies which target the abdominal area to lose tummy fat. Elevating the metabolic rate is the key to reduce the fat deposits in the body. Follow the strategy given below to get flat tummy in 10 days.

Day 1

The first step in achieving flat tummy is to remove all the junk food from your house. Replace the junk food with nutrient packed and fiber rich food like fruits, vegetables, poultry, lean beef, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, beans, nuts, seeds etc. Do not store hot dogs or sausages or candy bars in your home. Avoid all carbohydrate food for the first day. Start drinking 10-12 glass of water to cleanse your system and to remove the fat from the body. You can also try fasting for one- to three days prior to starting the effort to get a flat tummy. During this fasting take only 3-5 apple cider vinegar drinks.

Mix 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey and 8 ounces of pure water
Take this 2- 3 times a day to jump start the fat reduction program.

Day 2
Take more of boiled or raw vegetables this day. You can use thin vegetable or chicken soup to reduce belly fat. Make sure that you consume something every two to three hours. This will increase your metabolic rate and stabilize the blood sugar. Taking five to six servings of fruits and vegetables will prevent cravings for food. Avoid high carb fruits like banana, apple etc. If you are a person who regularly does exercises, you can continue your exercises along with these changes in the diet. If you have not started exercising, start with mild exercises like walking for 20 minutes.

Day 3

Consume about 50 grams of carbohydrate for your breakfast. Low carb diets are important, if you want to lose fat faster. One cup of oatmeal has 50 grams of carbohydrate. For other meals of the day consume lean protein about the size of your fist. You can use whey protein, yoghurt, fresh fruits and vegetables as snacks. Limit the intake of fat to olive oil or fish oil. Avoid using mayonnaise, margarine, butter, other vegetable oils etc. You can start doing exercises like breathing squat to get rid of the belly fat.

Lower your bottom as far as possible in the squat position. Inhale while going down. Wait for a few minutes and come up exhaling slowly.
Repeat the exercise for 10 times.

Day 4
You can take omelet with three egg white and vegetables or spinach added to it for your breakfast. You can take snacks like boiled chicken with red pepper or cucumber with turkey breast as snacks. Include salads made of vegetables, chicken, olive oil etc for lunch. Do not take more than 150gms of chicken or turkey at one serving. You can also use a fistful of seeds or nuts when you feel hungry. This will reduce the craving. Start doing some crunches to mobilize the fat around the gut.

Lie on your back with hands under your head, place the feet firmly on the floor with the knees bend.

Use the tummy muscles to crunch and raise your shoulders off the floor
Do at least three sets of crunches.

Day 5
You can consume low fat milk and fruits this day. If you want you can include one or two bananas. This provides the necessary carbohydrate for your body. You can take vegetable soups or salads to fill your stomach and to get all the nutrient supply. Drink plenty of water and add sit-ups to your exercise regime.

Lie on your back with the knees bent and feet on the floor. Extend your arms so that the fingers are pointed upwards.
Exhale and try to sit up slowly
Inhale and lower yourself to the start position.

Day 6
You can use green beans, scrambled eggs made with one whole egg and two egg whites and tomatoes for your breakfast. You can use cod fillet or grilled chicken breast as your snack. You can consume fish or lean meat in different forms. Do not forget to add five servings of fruits and vegetables. Do all the exercises from walking to sit ups.

You can increase the number of crunches and sit ups if you want faster fat removal.

Day 7
You can use grilled or boiled chicken or duck breast for your breakfast along with steamed spinach or grilled tomatoes. Use Brazil nuts or watermelon seeds or steamed broccoli as a snack. You can change the exercise to aerobic exercise today.

Changing the exercise will give a shock to the body and increases the metabolic rate effectively causing to lose fat from belly faster.
Do 30 minutes of aerobics exercise.

Day 8
Avoid food with low– nutrient content. You can opt for breakfast with whole wheat bread and omelet using the white of two eggs. Continue drinking 10-12 glass of water and select healthy snacks like soy crisps, fruit with yoghurt dip etc.

You can opt for swimming apart from the regular exercise regime.

Day 9
Again make this day the vegetarian day. Use all the vegetables which are less in calories throughout the day. This wills help to cleanse tour digestive system of the fat deposits. Include the most fibrous vegetables to get the best result.

Increase walking to 40 minutes
You can either opt for all the crunches and sit-ups or you can do only the swimming and aerobic exercise.

Day 10
You can have breakfast that includes whole grains food items and fruits. Continue the low –fat, high fiber snacks and soups as and when required. Try to add diversity to your workout by getting a jumping rope or adding leg tuck exercise. Continue with the low sugar, low carb diet to make the results last forever.

Do you want to reduce your tummy and give a flat look to it? Do you want to achieve the goal within 10 days? Follow the above diet and exercise plan to elevate the metabolic rate and to reduce the belly fat.

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How to Look Beautiful Without Makeup

Makeup helps in concealing the flaws in your skin but they cannot remove these flaws. Most of the women apply makeup to hide the flaws in their skin. If your skin is naturally beautiful you wouldn’t need much makeup. In this review, I will be mentioning a few tips that can help you to look naturally beautiful.

Here are the Simple Tips to Look Beautiful

1.    Drink Water:

Drink lots of water if you wish to have a moist and youthful skin. Water hydrates your skin and enables its cells to eliminate all the unwanted toxins and wastes. It also makes the skin lighter and softer.

2.    Moisturize:

Use a good quality moisturizer that does not contains any harsh chemicals. Moisturizer keeps the skin supple and it protects the skin from premature aging signs like wrinkles and fine lines.  Apply your moisturizer on your face, neck, hands and also on your feet. These are the areas where the skin tends to get more saggy as your grow older.

3.    Utilize A Face Wash:

Wash your face using a face wash in order to clean your skin. Skin attracts lots of dirt and dust that gets into its pores. This can cause issues like blackheads. Hence, it is important to cleanse your face with the help of a face wash. For more effect, wash your face twice in a day.

4.    Use A Toner:

A toner helps in improving the complexion of your skin. It also makes your skin tighter and protects it from wrinkles. It also helps you to cleanse off excess oil secretions from your skin.

5.    Use A Shampoo:

Shampoo your hair at least thrice in a week. This would make your hair look neat and clean. Oily hair can ruin the beauty of your face. It is important to maintain your hair if you wish to look naturally beautiful.

6.    Use A Sunscreen

Do not forget to use a sunscreen whenever you step out of your house. Make it a habit so that you wouldn’t forget about it. Sun rays can cause lot of damage to your skin and you cannot make it up with the help of makeup or any other form of skincare.

7.    Lemon Juice:

Start your morning with a lemon juice instead of tea or coffee. Squeeze some lemon juice into a cup of hot water and have it daily in the morning. This would help your body in eliminating all the wastes and toxins. This would protect your skin from sensitivities. It would naturally make your skin glow.

8.    Exfoliate:

Exfoliate your skin regularly to remove dead and dry skin cells. This would help you to cleanse your skin naturally.

Listed below are a few more tips or methods to look naturally beautiful:

Trim your hair regularly so as to keep it neat and to avoid split ends.
Do not disturb any eruptions on your skin such as pimples, acne or spots. This would make things worse and it would also lead to permanent scarring.

Avoid rubbing your eyes forcibly. This can cause redness and swelling.
Never chew your nails. Keep your nails polished and trimmed. If you wish to have long nails then try to keep them in good shape.

Avoid the habit of taking too many coffees or teas
Sleeping in the night for 7 to 8 hours can make your skin more beautiful.
Keep your eyebrows in shape with the help of tweezers. Take some time to remove all the unwanted facial hairs.

Do not forget to brush your teeth in the morning and again before going to bed. Note that, too much of brushing can damage the enamel of your teeth.
Try to keep a good posture.
Remove blackheads with the help of a natural scrub. You can also get it done by a professional.

Avoid junk foods. Eat a healthy diet.
Eat more fruits, green and leafy vegetables and dairy products.
Avoid too much of alcohol. It can cause belly fat and puffiness.
Do not wear ill-fitted clothes. Never follow the trends blindly. Opt for dresses that suit your figure and complexion.
By following these suggestions you can definitely look more beautiful and young.

Are you looking for simple and effective beauty tips? Are you concerned about your skin quality and aging symptoms? If you are looking for some natural tips that can make your skin glow with natural beauty then you can definitely find your answers by following some of the above mentioned tips. Proper skincare like regular cleansing, toning and exfoliating can make your skin look more beautiful and youthful. Rather than using some artificial cosmetics, natural remedies like drinking more water and getting more sleep can definitely make your skin more beautiful from inside.

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dimanche 8 juin 2014

10 Best Drinks That Will Help in Weight Loss

People try to control their weight by controlling the food they eat. It is not only the food that you eat cause weight gain but, you have to watch what you are drinking if you want to lose weight.  Though we think the fruit juices and energy drinks are healthy for our body, many of them have added sugars and other additives which can affect your weight loss plan. So, it is necessary to consume drinks which are less in calories and which will boost your metabolism, if you want to reduce the body weight.

Top Weight Loss Drinks
The following are the top drinks that will help you to stay fit and healthy and to reduce your excess weight.

1.    Vegetable Juices
Vegetable juices are very helpful in reducing weight. Eating raw vegetables, especially vegetables with fiber, aids in weight loss. But, by consuming vegetable juices, you will be able to feel fuller easily. You will also get all the necessary fibers, nutrients from the vegetable juices.

Regular consumption of fresh fiber rich vegetable juices will reduce food cravings and you will never feel like eating heavily as it will easily fill your stomach.

2.    Grape Juice
Grape juice is considered to be a natural ingredient that is loaded with Vitamin C and it will help in increasing the metabolism of the body. It is a very good detoxifier and is found to be very effective for the liver. The sour tasting sweet grapes in liquid form will help you to reduce weight as well.

Take a small bunch of black grapes, wash it properly and then blend the grapes in a blender to extract grape juice.
You can drink this juice as it is or can even dilute it with a little bit of water.
Drinking grape juice every day in the morning during breakfast will help with weight loss.

3.    Green Tea
One of the most effective drinks that you can think of whenever it comes to reducing excess weight is green tea. It is loaded with antioxidants and also offers metabolism boosters. The green herbal tea is a very effective natural ingredient that will help in weight loss. You can drink hot or chilled green tea and make sure that you do not add sugar to it.

Boil a glass of water and then add a teaspoon of green tea into it. Let it simmer for a few minutes.
Strain the green tea and drink it hot. Repeat this once in the morning and evening every day to enjoy weight loss.
You can also sip cold green tea in the morning and evening to enjoy quick fat burn that will help in effective weight loss.

4.    Yoghurt Smoothies
Yoghurt is rich in calcium and is very effective in reducing weight. Yoghurt has the properties of burning fat easily and it is an ideal ingredient that will help your body to lower the fat production.

Add about half a cup of yoghurt in your favorite smoothie and blend it in a mixer.
Drink this special yoghurt smoothie once or twice a day to reduce fat deposits in your body.

5.    Water
Water is a natural health drink that will work for many ailments and it is the best known weight loss drink. It is important for you to drink about 8 to 12 glasses of water every day so that your body will flush out all the toxins in your body in the form of urine. It will also help your body to stay hydrated at all times.

It is believed that cold water will help to burn more calories and it would be effective to have it with lime or honey every day to see better results.
Hot water is also very effective in burning fat deposits in your body and flushing it out in the form of urine.

6.    Whey Protein
There have been studies conducted on many women that have revealed that whey protein is an effective ingredient that will help in reducing body fat in women which will in turn help in weight loss. 

Whey protein consumption on a regular basis will help in curbing food craving in men and women.
It will also help in controlling the appetite for over two hours.

7.    Coconut Water
One of the natural and energized drinks that you will come across on this planet is tender coconut water. It will help in boosting your metabolism and is loaded with electrolytes. It is normally suggested drink for people suffering from stomach problems and ulcers.

Drinking one to two glasses of coconut water everyday will provide all the necessary energy boost that you need for an entire day.
It will help in speeding the metabolism and also helps in flushing out all the toxins produced in your body.

8.    Black Coffee
Black coffee is also considered to be a very effective drink that will help in reducing weight effectively. It is an effective drink that will help in boosting the metabolism of your body as it raises the body temperature easily. It will help in reducing your hunger and to suppress it for a long time.

Drinking two cups of black coffee without adding sugar everyday will help in reducing your excess body weight after a few weeks.

9.    Skimmed Milk
Skimmed milk is an excellent drink to have if you are looking to reduce the weight. Skimmed milk is the milk from which most of the fat content is removed. This will prevent the addition of calories to your body when you are using skimmed milk.  It is necessary to select skimmed with less than 1 % fat to get maximum weight reduction.

Calcium enriched skimmed milk helps to increase the speed of fat break down in the body.

Calcium resent in the milk keeps the muscles stronger which helps in increasing the metabolic rate.
Calcium present in milk keeps your bones strong. The proteins, vitamins and calcium present in skimmed milk helps in weight loss.

10.    Cranberry Juice
Fresh Cranberry juice is one of the best drinks to help in weight loss. Cranberry juice is rich in antioxidants which will help to remove free radicals present in our body which causes cell damage.  This juice also has diuretic properties which prevents the water retention in our body. The organic acids present in cranberry juice helps to dissolve the fats and flush it out from the body. It also helps to remove other toxins from the body.

 It is necessary to avoid bottled or canned cranberry juices to attain weight reduction as it may contain preservatives and added sugar.

 Use fresh homemade sugar free cranberry juice to get the best result.
Are you worried that you are a bit overweight? Do you want to easily get rid of the excess fat deposits accumulated in your body? If you are looking for the ideal easy drinks that will help in effectively reducing your body weight, then you can try out some of the above mentioned drinks to boost your body metabolism and to reduce the excess weight you are carrying. If you want to see quick and effective results, then you will have to combine the use of these powerful health drinks with a good workout regime and a healthy diet.

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11 American Foods that are Banned in Other Countries

Did you know that most Americans eat foods on a daily basis that are banned in other countries because they are known to cause inflammation, growth defects, and even cancer? For numerous reasons the US government and FDA allows those foods into your food supply.

Here’s a list of 10 common American foods banned in other countries:

1. Hormone-Infused Beef and Milk

Non-organic farms often inject their cows with growth hormones (rBGH) to increase milk production and promote faster growth. Those milk boosting hormones often lead to inflammation of the cow’s breast tissue, which is treated with antibiotics. This is one of the reasons that some people prefer to avoid milk and I’ve already written in the past about healthy and easy homemade milk substitutes.

Meat or dairy coming from these injected cows are linked to increase the risk of breast, colorectal, and prostate cancer. rBGH infused beef or dairy is banned in Australia, New Zealand, Israel, the European Union, and Canada.

2. Food Preservative (BHA and BHT)

BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) are 2 common food preservatives used to prevent oils from going rancid. BHT has a waxy consistency and can be found in cereals, nut mixes and bubblegum.

There is strong evidence that BHT and BHA are carcinogenic and are banned in UK’s baby food, and completely in most EU countries and Japan. BHA is also linked to trigger allergic reactions and can cause hyperactivity.

3. Arsenic-laced Chicken

This poison is permitted by the FDA to use in poultry feed to stimulate growth and make the meat look pinker. Long-term exposure to arsenic can cause digestive disorders, muscle cramps, numbness of extremities, skin lesions and skin cancer.

Arsenic based compounds are not only banned in the EU but have never been approved for use in animal feed.

4. Genetically Modified Papayas

Papaya is one of my most favorite fruits and it’s a key ingredient in my Digestive Enzyme detox smoothie but did you know that most Hawaiian papayas are genetically modified to protect them for the ringspot virus? More and more research studies are linking GMOs to a wide range of diseases like intestinal damage, tissue damage, tumors, birth defects, and infertility.

At this point, GM papayas are not approved in the EU. Until now, no application for approval has been submitted. Therefore, importing and marketing genetically modified papayas is not permitted in the EU.

In general, GMO regulations are much more strict in the EU – The European Union (EU) may have the most stringent GMO regulations in the world. All GMOs, along with irradiated food, are considered “new food” and are subject to extensive, case-by-case, science-based food evaluation by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

5. Irradiated meat

This treatment is used to preserve food, reduce the risk of food borne illness and prevent the spread of invasive pests. Food irradiation is criticized because of its potential to cause chemical changes in the food and the potential danger of these substances.

In many countries of the European Union only dried herbs, spices, and seasonings can be processed with irradiation and only at a specific dose.

6. Toxic Soft and Energy Drinks

Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) is used by the food industry to emulsify citrus-flavored soft and energy drinks like Mountain Dew and Stars & Stripes. Although the FDA considers BVO as a safe food additive, in Europe, India, and Japan it is banned and considered toxic.

Excessive consumption can lead to memory loss, fatigue, loss of appetite, acne, skin rashes, headaches, migraines, muscle loss, muscle spasms, thyroid issues, birth defects, growth problems, and cancer.

You don’t need to buy these toxic energy drinks – just make your own ultimate super food energy smoothie or just use my own 8 secrets for endless energy.

7. Artificial Food Coloring In Processed foods

I’ve written in the past about the dangers of artificial colors in my article about the top 10 worst ingredients in food. Artificial color additives are added to almost all the processed food on the US market. Many cause inflammation, birth defects, allergies and increase the risk of cancer. In the US over 3,000 different kinds of additives are found, and most of them are banned in other countries.

Red 40, blue 1, blue 2, yellow 5, and yellow are the most common used colorings in American foods like boxed mac and cheese, cheddar flavored crackers, cereals, and Jell-O.

Food additives and colorings are banned in Norway and Austria and the British government advices against the use but they are still allowed though. In the EU most food requires a warning when colorings or additives are added.

8. Toxic Pork

Ractopamine, a drug that increases protein levels and muscle mass, is found in up 45% of the US pigs. This drug is added to their food and a few days before slaughter the animals are pumped with this drug. Up to 20% remains in the meat that end up in the supermarkets. Ractopamine is linked to infertility, birth defects, genetic mutations, and it affects the human cardiovascular system.

In Europe, China, and Russia ractopamine is banned.

9. Bread With Potassium Bromate

Did you know that almost every time you eat a slice of bread, hamburger bun or other flour-based food in a restaurant, you are eating potassium bromide? This additive is often added to flours to make the dough more elastic and decrease baking time. Potassium bromate has been linked to kidney and nerve damage, thyroid issues, digestive disorders, and cancer.

Potassium bromate is banned in Canada, China, and EU.

10. Olestra/Olean

Olestra or Olean is found in diet or fat-free chips like fat-free Pringles, ruffles, and lays. It prevents vitamin and carotenoid absorption and can cause digestive issues. So fat-free is definitely not the healthier snack option. The use of Olestra is banned in the UK and Canada.

11. Pink Slime

This name is used in the meat industry and is produced by processing low-grade beef trimmings and other meat by-products such and is added to other meat products such as beef-based processed meats.

In the United States, products can contain up to 15% of pink slime without additional labeling, and it can also be added to other meat products such as beef-based processed meats. Because of the use of ammonium hydroxide in its processing, the product is not permitted in Canada. The product also does not meet the legal requirements for sale in the UK, and the European Union has banned it and other mechanically separated meats for human consumption.

Take control of your health and opt for fresh, whole foods to avoid all those questionable ingredients that are banned in other countries and linked to many diseases.

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7 Freaky Reasons to Ditch Plastic Containers

Why is it that in a natural world our society has become so attached to unnatural products? People surround themselves with processed materials that require large machines and complicated pollution-producing processes when there are simple natural alternative all around them – and plastic is the worst offender.

Plastic poses a threat to humanity simply because it’s so versatile and used almost everywhere. Every year shoppers use more than 500 billion plastic bags – enough to wrap around the planet more than 4000 times. Over ten thousand pieces of plastic are flushed into the ocean every day, worsening water acidification and killing hundreds of thousands of animals every year.

Plastic doesn’t only harm our distant environment but it also impacts our everyday routines in ways that we hardly realize. The most common health threat of plastic use stems from an overlooked source – what we eat. As a matter of fact, the Subway franchise was only just recently forced to remove a plastic chemical from their bread!

Plastic Invades our Food and Drinks

Let’s suppose you’ve got your diet fine-tuned with healthy habits. Organic vegetables next to non-processed foods and plenty of vitamins and minerals. If you’re carrying the food in plastic containers and guzzling your water from a plastic bottle you’re eating habits might not be as safe as you thought.

Here are a few reasons for you to separate plastic from your eating habits ASAP:

1. BPA

BPA (bisphenol A) is a chemical that became widely used in industrial plastics during the 1960s. It was only recently that scientists concerned themselves with researching the effect of this chemical on our health. So far they have linked it to heart problems, effects on the brain, hormone imbalance, and possibly other conditions like ADHD and diabetes.

People were alarmed to find out that this toxin was so abundant in food storage containers. Canned drinks/food, plastic bottles, and even supply lines for water can all contain BPA.

2. BPS

Don’t think that because a plastic is “BPA Free” it’s completely safe. Many manufacturers have launched deceptive marketing campaigns that ensure the safety of their product without discussing the use of BPS (bisphenol S), a similar chemical with equally toxic properties.

The studies surrounding BPS are frighteningly limited. What they have found is similar hormone-copying properties that can affect our health. To top it all off, BPS is actually less biodegradable than BPA, making it an environmentally destructive alternative.

3. Leaching

Leaching is the process that makes BPA and BPS such a major threat. The manufacturing of plastics produces several chemicals that can easily be absorbed in a process called migration, or as the media has more commonly labeled “leaching”. During leaching bits of plastic can be transferred from the containers to the food we eat, creating a direct transfer of foreign material into our bodies.

4. Absorbing Smell and Color

Unlike the healthier natural alternatives, plastic has a porous texture that isn’t ideal for storing certain products. It can easily soak of the odor and color of particular foods and taint your tupperware. You may notice that after several uses the plastics look and smell like a food regardless of how hard you scrub.

5. Environmental Impact

As we mentioned earlier, plastics play a huge role in the destruction of our environment. They take incredibly long time to decompose compared to alternatives and fill up landfills. While leaking toxins into our environment they also pose a serious threat to wildlife.

Recycling has been posed as a solution to this but it might not be as effective as we thought. Plastic has to be down cycled and produces a lower quality each time. While it is a lot better than simply throwing the plastic away, avoiding it all together could be a godsend to our planet’s health.

6. Leading to Obesity

I’ve already written at the past about the top 10 worst ingredients in food and I’ve mentioned that one specific ingredient can cause obesity. But did you realize that your plastic water bottle can cause obesity as well ?  That’s right, plastics around your food can actually contribute to weight gain as well. A study using mice found that BPA played a big role in reducing the animals’ sensitivity to insulin. This made the production of fat cells more likely. The adipocytes (also known as lipocytes and fat cells) accumulated with increased speed, enabling the mice to become fatter quicker. Studies between humans and BPA are still limited but evidence suggests that our infatuation with plastics could make our fat situation worse.

7. Fertility

A new line of studies shows a shocking connection between plastic chemicals and human fertility. Research done by scientists at Harvard suggests that one fifth of unexplained infertility issues could very well be a result of BPA and BPS exposure. An additional terror is the possibility of birth defects like down syndrome in developing fetuses.

Where Does it Come From?

Some of the plastic sources near our food are fairly obvious. Others are appear deceptively innocent. Here is a short list of common food and drink items containing plastics:

● Canned foods
● Canned drinks
● Infant bottles and pacifiers
● Register Receipts
● Food storage containers
● Disposable drink bottles

Simple Solutions

You don’t have to sacrifice convenience and versatility if you switch from plastics. As a matter of fact, most alternatives provide much more long term use than plastic products. Glass can be used countless times over for food storage without absorbing food odor or releasing chemicals into our food. It can store liquids, solids, jams, or even pickle vegetables. Get creative and use leftover glass for arts and crafts, plant storage, or turn a mason jar into your own personal chalice.

It’s not incredibly difficult to divorce yourself from a plastic consuming lifestyle. Follow some of these tips to reduce your exposure to chemicals and ensure the safety of your food.

● Buy mason jars and glass products of assorted sizes to store your food and leftovers in.
● When you buy food that already comes in plastic, take it out and store it in glass as soon as you get home.
● Get a water filter on your tap to avoid buying plastic bottles and save money.
● Shop around organic markets, they tend to use much more natural packaging.

Can you think of more ways to reduce our plastic use? Please let me know!

Avoiding plastic containers is only one step towards improving your health but it’s even more important to make sure that the food in these containers is not toxic. Have you realized that some of the food that we eat is actually fake food ? You also need to make sure that your food doesn’t contain toxic food ingredients and that it wasn’t banned in other countries 

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