Fresh potato juice in folk medicine used for the treatment of ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, as well as other gastrointestinal disorders. In addition, the juice of potatoes some researchers use in the prevention of treatment of malignant diseases.
Same as the oranges, the potato is rich in great quantities vitamin C. Actually, one middle sized potato contains 45% of the daily need of vitamin C recommended for a good health. The potatoes are rich in fibers and carbohydrates and contain more potassium than the banana.
The potato has fewer calories, does not contain fats, sodium and cholesterol. The potato shell contains significant dosage of fibers, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus and more types of vitamin B.
The potatoes can be boiled, on a steam or to be baked. Combine them with a fresh salad, so you will have healthy and low-calorie meal.
Avoid eating them fried, because in that way unnecessary you will make them high-calorie!
If you have a possibility avoid to put the potatoes in the fridge or to freeze them because the low temperature will transform the starch into sugar and the potato will become dark.
Keep them in a cold and dark place. Too much light will change their color into green. You can keep them in the basement. The basement is the best place to keep potatoes.
Whether as a puree or baked, we all know and like the potato. The potatoes are part of various delicious meals and are necessary for our health.
Potatoes exposed to the sun and fresh air, turns green, in tuber is synthesized toxic GA – solanine. Located in the tuber, shell, sprouts, leaf and flower. Solanine is one of the nerve agents. Solanine cannot destroyed by heat treatment, it does not dissolve in water, and the greatest amount of solanine remains in a dish of potatoes.
Potato is harmful to people with diabetes, because his excessive consumption leads to fast processes of high glucose level.
A French fries and potato chips
It’s definitely not healthy food. The latest research has provided more evidence that the fried potatoes and potato chips contain a chemical compound acrylamide (C3H5NO), which showed that it is possible to cause cancer. These toxic substances in the body convert into glycinamide who is also a carcinogen. One thing is certain, boiled potatoes do not contain these chemicals. For all of you who know what it means to a healthy diet - there is no dilemma. Cooked is much healthier than fried, and from it you can easily make and mashed salad and countless other famous fish stew.